Important Notice
Please note that due to a considerable increase in the number of new homes in the area, our practice list has increased significantly. We have therefore been forced to take the decision to close our list and we are not currently accepting new registrations (with the exceptions of immediate family members of patients)
We appreciate that this may cause you difficulty in finding a local GP however, it is important that we are able to care for our patients safely. This crisis has been reached due to the lack of infrastructure in place with ongoing building despite practices raising these concerns for many years and trying to help by absorbing additional patients. We can no longer safely do this.
NHS Lothian are aware that there is a shortage of available GP’s in this area. In the meantime, if you are having difficulty finding a GP, please email [email protected] or Practitioner Services on 0131 275 7038.
We understand your frustration at not being able to register with a local GP however this is something that is out of our control and is not the responsibility of the practice team. Should you wish to complain or discuss your concerns then you should contact: Scottish Parliment 0131 348 5000 or Edinburgh Council on 0131 200 2000.
If you require medical advice please dial NHS 24 on 111. If you have a medical emergency please attend your nearest A&E department or for life threatening injuries please dial 999.